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In Two Are Better Than One, Greg and Julie Gorman present surprisingly fresh truths to make a difference in your marriage and life. If you want your marriage to live into the purpose God desires, read this book.

Greg and Julie Gorman have written a classic in marriage books that brings a beautiful balance of timeless teachings from the world’s top thought leaders and combines them with interactive scenes from our favorite Bible heroes. In Two Are Better Than One, Greg and Julie present fun, fresh and frank truths to lead you on a journey of significant discovery that will elevate your expectations and provide direction for your most precious earthly relationship—your marriage. Every couple will celebrate as they discover God’s purpose for their marriage.

Two Are Better Than One is anchored in God’s Word and packed full of insights and hope for a stronger and better love in marriage.

God has afforded me to engage with thought leaders and content creators around the world. As I read Two Are Better Than One, I realized yet another personal benefit of a great book. Greg and Julie have done two great and unusual things in this book. They have demonstrated authenticity and vulnerability in every page. Secondly, they have given more than theory and ideas; they give practice and applicable tools to make your marriage better than ever.

This book is jam-packed with great ideas for renewing purpose, direction, and energy in your marriage! Whether you’ve been married for five or fifty years, Julie and Greg will walk you through creative ideas to generate discussion and new ideas with your spouse. Don’t miss these great insights.