Take a moment to list the things you need to manage for and things you need to manage against in order to live out God’s purpose for your marriage. As a reminder:

1. Use the left side of the chart to list the most important things you need to nurture in order to fulfill God’s purpose for your marriage. Think of the things you need to manage for as the seeds you need to plant and keep watered. These are what you need to feed. Consider the following questions when filling in the left side of your chart: What opportunities do you need to say yes to in order to move toward your marriage purpose? What disciplines do you need to add? What will help you build and sustain God’s plan for your marriage?

2. Use the right side of the chart to identify the things you need to manage against. These are the weeds that need pulled. You’ll need to guard against these in order to experience optimal results. If you don’t de-weed these thoughts, habits, or practices, you will not be able to fulfill God’s vision for your marriage. Consider the following questions when filling in the right side of your chart: What current activities hinder you from fulfilling your marriage purpose? What habits do you need to remove? What could keep you from moving toward God’s best for your marriage?

Print off the chart by downloading it here and post it alongside your core value statements, life mottos, and marriage purpose statement. Revisit the lists often in order to better sustain God’s purpose for your marriage. An example of a filled out chart is below.

Things to Manage For Things to Manage Against
Time for Meaningful Conversations Daily Poor Time Management
Preferring One Another’s Needs People Pleasing
Consistent Date Nights Time on Social Media
Sexual Intimacy Allowing the World’s Beliefs to Form Ours
Believe the Best about One Another Focusing on the Past
Devising and Agreeing on a Financial Plan Frivolous/Impulsive/Unwise Spending
Speaking Words of Affirmation Complaining
Seeking God Daily and Listening Carefully Needing the Approval of Others
Connecting Intentionally with the Kids Too Many Activities for the Kids
Dreaming Together Negative Thoughts
Time to Relax Busyness
Growing Intentionally Poor Self-image