“We can never accomplish it unless we are much in prayer to God for power to do it.”–R.A. Torrey

Ever experience a God-encountering moment? You know, that moment where you sense God speaking and His presence is so strong you don’t want to move?

The last couple of days have been like that for me. Moments like that change you. I sense God growing my dependency for Him. This past weekend as I prayed I felt God lovingly convict me of my pride. You know what’s so difficult about pride; how hard it is to detect in our own life.

Andrew Murray wrote: “there is nothing so natural to man, nothing so insidious and hidden from our sight, nothing so difficult and dangerous as pride.”

God lovingly reminded me that my pride keeps me from experiencing the fullness of His power; it limits me to my abilities and resigns me to the futility of my own efforts…BUT..genuine prayers of humility open His limitless power and removes any constraints; they replace my limitations with His unlimited power.

Charles Spurgeon wrote: “Humility is the proper estimate of oneself.”

I got a good dose of that this weekend.

Transparently, I became a blubbering mess as I realized though I profess to humbly trust…more often than not… I get trapped into living as if it were ALL about me. I work myself into a tizzy until I become ineffective at everything. Thankfully, God allows these moments to draw me back to the truth and freedom only He can bring. Can you relate? Do you feel weighted by the tasks ahead of you? Feel overwhelmed by the mission? Powerless to your circumstances? Wearied by your relationships? Tired of trying?

Friend, you are not alone. The truth is, we are powerless to do, to accomplish, to provide, to achieve, to heal, to restore…to…even take our next breath…the breath we just breathed is a gift from Heaven. We won’t take our next one, unless God provides it.

But, HONESTLY, that’s good news! I’ve shared this thought from A.C. Dixon before, but felt compelled to share it again:

“When we rely upon organization, we get what organization can do; when we rely upon education, we get what education can do; when we rely upon eloquence, we get what eloquence can do, and so on…but when we rely upon prayer, we get what God can do.” 

Today, my prayer is that you and I will live completely surrendered to the unlimited power and presence of God. That we will trust Him for the impossible, knowing that He is good and He loves us passionately.

Our impossible circumstances, relationships, and life-missions are no contest for the matchless, omnipotent, all-powerful Father! And since He is for us NOTHING can stand against us. So…will you join me in living as an empty vessel, a channel through whom God can reside and manifest His love, power, strength, and purpose? If so, take a moment to pray. Invite Him to speak. Wait for Him!

God will do it. He is faithful.